1.We inspect your shear for proper set curve, tip, bumper and handle alignment, tension assembly and edge nicks.
2.Your shear is measured using laser technology to determine the correct cutting angle.
3.First water-honing phase produces correct cutting angle to appropriately convex or bevel the outside blade edge.
4.Hand water-honing phase using two different stones.
5.Diamond-polishing process and cutting quality test.
6.Finishing technique to apply final adjustments to ensure smooth cutting action.
7.Feedback – Not everyone likes their shears sharpened the same way. We listen, correct and remember how you like your shears so that you can be sure it’s always finished the same way.
Tired of replacing that missing tang that always seems to get swept up with the hair on the floor?
Our service includes gluing and tightening loose and missing tangs, free of charge.
We also include:
• Bumper replacement
• Blade tip adjustments for safety
• Replacement of missing washers
Why? It’s simple, the quality and maintenance of your shears matters to you, and that matters to us.